Thursday, August 13, 2009

Does This Smell Infected?

My kids think I'm that's not news. They often look at me and I can see the hamsters running frantically in their heads while they think "Ok, if we put her in a home NOW...what are my odds on getting the car?" or "Can I ride out the next year or two, have her committed and THEN get the car?"
One of the family traits the my grandmother was kind enough to bestow upon me was a heightened sense of smell. My mom has it too. Heightened as in if you were on the same BLOCK as someone who was smoking, I can smell it on you. Most perfumes and body sprays give me a migraine. Which I assure you is great fun when you work in an office with other women. WOMEN WHO THINK PERFUME INSTEAD OF A SHOWER IS OK. It is NOT ok...wash your nasty ass and spare my olfactory system! Then there's the coup de gras.....the smell of mac and cheese (which my 13 is currently cooking in the kitchen...I say in the kitchen as opposed to the hotplate I force her to keep in her bedroom so she can cook her crack) makes me gag. Makes my mouth get all vomity watery. Makes me want to heave up everything I've eaten in the past 18 months. *Oh look...corn*
I can't help myself. There is no particular brand that is less offensive than the other. It all smells like hot garbage to me. This could stem from that one really mean aunt who used to babysit me and forced me to eat it.....or it could be the fact that POWDERED CHEESE IS A CRIME AGAINST NATURE. (Though I do love the Pokemon shaped pasta)
My entire house has been befouled by this crap. *ick*
Even the dog is grossed out. He's currently looking at me as if to say "Seriously? You complain that I piss on the floor but DO YOU SMELL THAT SHIT SHE'S MAKING?"
I have to agree.

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