Friday, April 10, 2009

People you once knew

Things have sucked around the old homestead lately. Money’s tight, I’m not in remission, and I’m facing major surgery. Somewhere in there I got the crazy notion that my family – you know, those people you saw at Christmas and Easter when you were a kid – might maybe be willing to help. That if I reached out to them SURELY they would help out; SURELY they would be compassionate and understanding. The crickets have never sung so loud or profound. I heard from an aunt….an aunt in Michigan who’s recently widowed, has 2 teenage boys and is going through her very own version of Hell-ville and offered me her spare bedroom. SHE called my mom….who did what she does best, pretended it can’t possibly be that bad, packed up some toothpaste and chapstick and mailed it off to me. Oh the joy of opening prezzies.
And so I wrote a follow up email. One where I said goodbye to my IDEA of family. Where I let them know I wasn’t really asking them for money or shiny new toys, but, an invite to Easter dinner wouldn’t fucking kill them now would it!
I got this in reply:

“Hi there,
So sorry, I did not respond back to your message. I did give you mom a call when I first received your message. Just want to get her take on your situation. Also to see if she was going to come out when you had surgery. Time are tough for everyone. Seems like you are being hit just harder.
Everyone assumes if you don't hear anything everything is OK. And it easier that way.
Hey, I just called your mom and talked for a while with her. She says she's sending you all some care packages. I'll try to get you one also.”

Where do I begin? Maybe with why….WHY would you call my mother? My mother….WHO LIVES ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COUNTRY. To get her TAKE on the situation. Once I was done stapling my head back together and rediscovered how to breath I was still livid. I’m just hit harder….I HAVE A LIFE THREATENING ILLNESS AND I’M HAVING MAJOR SURGERY…..YA THINK!!!
And she really is right….it IS easier that way. For her and her little bubble.
Yep I can never have enough toothpaste or chapstick…it’s what gets me through those harsh lonely nights. Hell throw in some Vagisil and an enima kit and call it Christmas.

Friday, April 3, 2009

I am NOT!!

Contrary to popular belief I am NOT a cheer mom. Yes I’m the mother of two cheerleaders, yes I coach, yes every spare minute and penny goes into fricking cheer, and yes our family “vacations” tend to center around one competition or another……I am NOT a cheer mom. There are no stickers on my car. I don’t deck myself out like some crazed fan covered in buttons and face paint waiving crazy signs. (OK I lied, I make signs)
I DO happen to enjoy torturing little girls….They’re flexi

they’re bendy

and they bounce really well.
I got involved a few years back when Tina first started and now…well….every year I declare I’M NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN, and yet come the new season there I am front and center. I’ve been a Board Member, a Fundraising Coordinator, a Team Mom and now….in our last year with Pop Warner….I’m coaching *GASP*.
I’m not a huge fan of cheerleaders in general, or of cheermoms and their crazy competitive nature (sorta like stage moms but…WORSE). But I like being involved with my kids; I like the camaraderie, and…yes…the coaches meetings at the local sports bar.
If you’ve never had a 12 year old thrown at you, or drop out of the sky at you…it’s hard to explain the physical nature of the sport. My 12 year old has arms like a weight lifter, strong and defined. My 16 year old has legs to die for. If this sport (YES I SAID SPORT) was easy, they’d call it football…at least they get to wear padding.
The new season starts in August but we’re already running clinics and putting together routines.
I and NOT a cheermom….but I am a mom.
Eat. Sleep. Cheer. Repeat.