Friday, March 13, 2009

I Finally Did It

Look mommy I blogged all by myself…..ok this is awkward.
Yes, I’ve finally wandered into the 21st century and fixed myself a blog. Not to be confused with fixing a martini, that’ll come later when the kids are asleep and won’t notice the circus midget and jumper cables set up in the living room….now THAT’S awkward, or at least it was the first time.
But I digress.
For those of you who know me, hey how’s it going! If you don’t well, I’m not sure why you’re here, but welcome, we have cookies and we promise not to make you sacrifice any animals during your first visit.
I’ve decided to take this on because I have WAY too much crap stuffed into my head and it’s all starting to jockey for position and I worry that if I don’t let some of it out I’ll start losing fundamental things like how to tie my shoes or pee. Well, that and I figured what the hell, if the Pope can go cyber so can I.
I’m a single mom of 2-1/2 lovely girls. Well, technically it’s 3 girls, the oldest of which is 18 and our relationship is somewhat…..strained. As in I’m the mom and therefore I’m Satan and have ruined her life (gee and it’s only 10 a.m., looks like I’m ahead of schedule and will have time for that latte after all). Recently however she’s decided that I’m not in fact Satan and I’ve been demoted to some lesser demon, Satan’s secretary perhaps. My 16 and 12 year old have yet to decide if I’m truly one of the “dark-ones” or if I can be trusted….funny I was thinking the same thing about them.
Like everyone else, I have issues, hell I have lifetime subscriptions. Some I’ll describe in detail, some I’ll gloss over as denial is a LOVELY coping mechanism.
At any rate, this is me….welcome to my mood swings.

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